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Compare American roulette and European roulette – know what you are playing

Comparison of European and American Roulettes

 In this article we’ll talk about main types of roulette, their particular rules and differences. Firstly, let us make a reservation that in the online casinos there are almost the same types of roulette than in the real gaming houses. It is known that there are three kinds of roulette: American, French and European roulette.

The main differences between European and American roulette rules are:
- the order of numbers on the wheel of American and European roulettes is different;
- there are differences in roulette game field;
- bets, chips, game rules are also different;
- there are special rules (“La Partage”, “En Prison” , “Surrender”);
- the possibility of making oral bets while playing French or European roulette.

First of all, the presence of double zero in addition to the habitual normal zero on the American roulette wheel catches the eye. Mathematicians have counted, that it raises the house edge till 5,4%. To compare, the house edge in the European roulette is only 2,7%. That’s why all the professional gamblers recommend to play European roulette.
One more important detail is the rating of the chips. It is set beforehand in the European roulette and marked directly during the game in the American roulette. At the same time, in the classic American roulette oral bets are not accepted, although many European casinos practise it.
European roulette rules determine a chip value proceeding from its value in the concrete casino.
We should also notice that the table for European roulette is bigger that for American one. And the dealer uses a special instrument for collecting the chips. American dealer manages without it.
The atmosphere in the European casinos requires a strict dress code. In American casinos a more democratic style prevails. But you can always play European roulette online for avoiding dress code.

Special rules for different types of roulette:
“En Prison”. It exists only in some casinos in Europe. After a spin of “zero”, you can recover your stakes if your bets were even-odds. If “zero” is rolled again all even-odds lose. If on the next spin your bet wins, your stake is returned. This rule lowers the house edge at even-odds to 1,35%, that is very profitable for gamblers.
“La Partage”. It reminds the rule “En Prison” and is used in French roulette. If “zero” is rolled, only a half of even-odds is lost. This rule also lowers the house edge to 1,35%.
“Surrender”. This rule reminds “La Partage” and is used in some American casinos. It lowers the house edge from 5,26% to 2,63%.

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